From Pastor

January 2025

Luke 2:40 “And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon Him.”

Hey, Christmas is over, right?  Christmas Day is one of the greatest days we look forward to.  That day is right up there with a birthday, anniversary or other special holiday.  The presents, the parties, the great food and yes, even new underwear.

On Christmas Day we received the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ.  We sometimes take the day only into consideration and not the whole season.   We have to go back to work and school. The decorations come down, at least on most houses. And we begin to plug along into our lives as we normally do. But what we can’t forget is that the birth of our Lord and Savior was a gift that lasts for all eternity. The new baby, sent by God to save us from our sins has come. Our lives may go on normally but look at Mary and Joseph for a minute.

Mary and Joseph’s life had a very interesting beginning.  They had all kinds of events and changes happen to their little family. I’m sure that the future was not easy for this new family.  But we can’t lose sight of the “reason for the season.” Jesus was to be born so that He could die for the sins of all people. We are thankful that Jesus grew up.  Luke says that the child grew up and became strong. A strong and mighty Savior who is Christ our Lord.

As we continue on throughout this Christmas season into Epiphany we are reminded of the gifts from our family and friends. We are reminded of the good times and the difficult times as well. But we can look back to the humble birth of the baby and look forward to what is coming next. The season of Lent and the eventual death and resurrection of our Lord, for us.

I pray that God be with you these coming months. And be reminded that “He will be called Immanuel, God with us.” The Lord is with us through it all.

In His Service,