From Pastor

February 2025

From the Pastor: These things I command you, so that you will love one another.” John 15:17

Happy Love Month! February is the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. The time when we set aside special remembrances for the people we love. We may send candy, flowers, gifts or even go out for a special night on the town.

What is it that makes us want to spend more time and energy on the people we love in February? It is ability to take the time to intentionally remember them. Intentionally treat them nice, say nice things and love them. But what happens the other 11 months out of the year?

We may tend to take them for granted, but thanks be to God that He doesn’t do that to us. His love is one that is never failing. A love that stands the test of time. A love that showed itself in the death and resurrection of His only-begotten Son Jesus Christ.

As a result of Our Father’s love for us, we too love one another. We love one  another as baptized children of God. What does that look like? We send flowers and cards to people in our church who are sick. We pray for those people who ask us and for those who we feel in our hearts. We make arrangements to help out in any way that we can.

That is what I see that we do here at St. Peter’s. We are God’s Children showing love to one another because we have a love of our God who loved us first. February is love month. It is great to see such love at a place that God has given to us. I hope you enjoy love month, well I guess we can enjoy all of our months this year with the love we can show one another.

In His Service,